Thursday, August 4, 2011


Wow, I have never had issues with allergies like I have had since moving to NC. I'm actually having to use Drew's allergy meds. Between the itchy, drainy eyes, runny nose, congestion and itchy throat, I have been pretty pitiful the last few days. Add an attack on my pride, I am unable to wear my contacts, which

The Bible says Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh Genesis 2:24

I think going through this is giving me a better understanding of what Drew goes through during the spring. I could sympathize with him but not truly comprehend. Not that I like having allergies, but at least an understanding of what he goes through is helping me become more of one flesh with him. Its amazing even after 11 years of  marriage what God can show to you. I think that is the kicker, people change and as spouses you have to be willing to grow together and continue to work on being one flesh.

Even if at times its irritating , like my eyes are to me right now. lol

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