Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family Time

This past Saturday, I just had to get out of the house. This southern heat wave is driving me stir crazy. Drew and I have come to an agreement, well I imposed the agreement. lol. He wants to stay home on the weekend, because he drives the whole week going on calls throughout eastern NC. I stay home all week, cause I with three boys and no ac in my car and my boys have hit the age of we do not like to go shopping its just too much to go sometimes. So, I want to go, now I can go by myself when Drew is home on the weekend but I also want to have family time outside of the house. So my agreement is I get an outing either SaturdayI or Sunday and he can have Friday night and one free day during the weekend. Not a bad deal in my book...
Well after much debating , aka arguing( lol) on Saturday we just got in the car, it actually was quite nice and it was over cast and sprinkles throughout the day so the temperature was pleasant. We finally ended up at Atlantic beach...
Once we arrived, we were flooded with memories of Isle of Palms, SC.  Just like IOP you have to cross a bridge to get there and once on the island you are immediately taken in by the island feel. So instantly we felt we were home. Not only did it remind us of home, it reminded me of my mom. My mom loves the beach and the only beach we would go to was IOP. So that made it even nicer. Without planning on going to the beach, we thought lets just walk around and maybe let the kids get there feet wet.

Needless to say, feet just didn't get wet. lol. My kids were in heaven, DJ "accidentally" fell down many of times. lol. We enjoyed the day so much we actually planned to come back the next day after church. So after lunch on Sunday we headed back, thanks to the remnants of Emily, the waves were awesome at the beach and there was such a nice breeze. which was pleasant with the heat wave. Watching the kids play, I was grateful to have this time with my family, as much as I miss my kids being little, I was thankful that they were big enough for all of us to enjoy the beach (and not have to haul a car load of stuff for a baby anymore lol) Sadly I left my camera in the car and couldn't get as many shots as I wanted, but got a few with my phone.

Next time, I'll hopefully remember it so I can get some close shots. All in all it was a great weekend, with a few mishaps, but it was nice to have this family time together. I see my children getting older and I know that our time together with get less and less as the grow and take on activities of there own, but I will have my memories and will always be here when they are able and wanting to go exploring with there mom. My sons are a gift from God and I love them. They may irritate and anger me at times but its worth it. It overwhelms me every time I think about them, that God entrusted them to me. Thank you Lord.
  Psalm 127:3-5
3 Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. 4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. 5 Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.

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