Monday, August 1, 2011

teeth kids are growing up. The thought does sadden me a bit.  Don't get me wrong, I do look forward to seeing them grow and become the person that God wants them to be. But at times they catch you off guard as they go through the changes of childhood. What brought this on...
well it started with DJ losing his first tooth yesterday. It was totally unexpected. We stopped for lunch after church yesterday and afterwards I thought he had something stuck in his front bottom teeth and with closer examination he was actually missing his tooth. So that is one tooth that the tooth fairy is going to have to fetch herself. lol.  We left a note explaining what happen to the tooth fairy.
I had someone ask wasn't he kinda young to start losing teeth. DJ is a little over 5 and  1/2 and for my kids that's not too early. Christian was right around that age when he lost his first one and josh was a little after 6. So both christian and DJ got teeth right around 4 months old so i don't think it is. It just means they are growing up and my baby may always be my baby but he is definitely becoming a big kid now. which is exciting and sad at the same time :(

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